Guide To Yoga Practices – Free Yoga Online Classes For Beginners

Yoga is a practice originated in ancient India with a 5000 year old history. Yoga practice involves meditation, physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises. In today’s time, yoga has gained a lot of popularity as a fitness exercise. Yoga has gained immense popularity and has reached every corner of the world. You can try out yoga by enrolling for free yoga online classes for beginners.

Philosophy of yoga
Yoga enables the mind, body and the spirit to function as one. Yoga empowers the practitioners with the power of self awareness.

The different domain of yoga are as follows:

Tantra yoga
This branch of yoga teaches its practitioners the pathway of rituals and ceremonies.

Jnana yoga
Practitioners who follow this path of yoga, practice wisdom. They follow the path of the scholar. They develop their intellect by gaining knowledge.

Bhakti yoga
Practitioners immerse themselves in the path of devotion. Devotion helps practitioners to channel all emotions positively. Along with that, cultivate more acceptance and endure more tolerance.

Karma yoga
Practitioners of karma yoga follow a path of which aims to create a future free from
Pessimism and self-absorption

Raja Yoga
Practitioners of raja yoga follow a set of rules known as “eight limbs” of yoga. They follow strict discipline and they meditate every day.

Hatha yoga
This a branch of yoga where yogis and yoginis practice different postures and breathing techniques to train the mind and body.

Anyone can enrol for these classes to master the art of yoga. Previously, to master it, students had to be physically present. Today that problem doesn’t exist because of free yoga online classes for beginners readily available to all across the globe.

Yoga poses for beginners with benefits
There are many benefits of practising yoga daily. Below mentioned are few of the most important ones.
Bridge – Bandha Sarvangasana
It opens up the front hip joint
Strengthens spine
Opens up the chest
Improves spine flexibility

Downward Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana
Lengthens spine
Decompresses the spine
Stretches the hamstring
Strengthens arms
Fills the brain with oxygen

Warrior 1 – Virabhadrasana I
Good pose relax body and mind
Strengthening legs
Stretches shoulders and spine
Improves your focus.

Warrior 2 – Virabhadrasana II
Improve patience
Feel self elevated
Opens chest
Contracts abdominal organs
Regulate breath

Four-Limbed Staff – Chaturanga
Strengthens arms
Strengthens wrists
Strengthens abdomen
Challenging arm balancing

Tree – Vrksasana
Improve balance.
Maintain stability
Hips at one level

Crow – Bakasana
Strengthens wrists
Strengthens forearms
Strengthens abdomen
Stretching hamstring.

Arm Balance – Pincha Mayurasana
Improves blood flow throughout your body
Calms your mind
Strengthens arms

King Dancer – Natarajasana
Improves balance
improves core strength
Stretches shoulders
Improves focus

These are few of the poses one can learn from free yoga online classes for beginners. As mentioned before, these poses or posture have immense health benefits. Being healthy is very important. Trying to stay healthy should be part of the overall lifestyle. Staying healthy will help you to prevent chronic diseases or any long term illness. Now, this can be easily achieved by following free yoga online classes for beginners. If you are trying to start a healthy life, make sure you start following free yoga online classes for beginners.